My Top 5 News Sources

The New York Times
The first news source I would recommend is the New York Times, it is my go-to place to check the news. Through the news app on my iPhone I get daily notifications on the top stories. Headlines will pop up on my phone, then I have the ability to click on the notification and read more about the specific news story. I use this news source frequently because I believe it to be very reliable and well known. All of the stories that come from this source are very well written and always present the facts. 

Another news source I would recommend is CNN. Although it has been criticized by some in the past I still believe that this is a great news source. It contains various topics including world news, U.S. news, health, and entertainment news. I always see notifications for this news source either pop up on my home screen of my iPhone or all the time on facebook. All of the stories are interesting and present a lot of facts and details. 

ESPN is the place I go for all sports news. I have an app on my phone for this news outlet and check it frequently. It is always up to date on the latest scores for different games and has a feature where it shows you a play by play of each game. It also contains various news stories for every team and player that are extremely up to date. I believe this to be a credible source and the place to check all news related to sports. 

When I want to check news about my favorite music artists I check the Rolling Stone website. This news source is always up to date on opinions of new releases from some of the top artists in the United States right now. For example, a new song was released at 9 pm last night and there was an article about it up by 11:33 pm. This news source also contains news stories on TV, movies, politics, and culture. 

This news source is not one I would go to in order to check developing stories but more for just entertainment news. It is definitely not the most reliable news source but does contain interesting headlines that capture my attention. I have an app for this news source on my phone that I check a few times a week. It is not the most credible news source because anyone can write for it if it gets approved by the community editors. 


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