Blog Reveal Post

How Blogging Has Changed Communication Forever

Today blogs are an essential element to online culture. A blog is defined as a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, and opinions which often has images and links to other websites. They have been on the rise since the early 2000s and now have an important role in our society. Blogs started off as more of a personal diary but quickly took on more journalistic elements. Blogs allow anyone and everyone to publish their own information, voice their opinions on certain issues, and influence others. There are so many other benefits of blogging, you can read more by clicking here!

Blogging really makes a difference when trying to spread awareness for a certain issue. This medium heavily influenced the discussions of many hot topics during recent years including gay rights, women's rights and other issues such as abortion. Many use blogs as a starting point to spread information to their audience, which is why they include links where a reader can see more about a certain topic. 

I focused my blog around two main themes we explored in class. During the beginning of the year, I focused my blogs on first amendment violations and explored different cases, some of which were not considered violations and others that were. Later on, in the second half of the semester, I shifted my attention more to privacy online. 

Blogging is a great platform, I enjoyed writing each week for my blog. I could definitely see myself blogging in the future if I found something I was interested in or not having a theme and just blogging in general. This platform is a great way to voice opinions and start discussions about topics you are passionate about. 


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